We are proud to say the BRB Rub Block does not release a single drop of chemical to the ground.
My name is Glenn Bradshaw I am the inventor of the Bradshaw Rub Block (BRB)

Along with my wife Rachel, for the past fourteen years we have owned and operated a cattle property on the Atherton Tablelands in Australia. We have a breeding herd of Brangus cattle.

Away from the farm, I have worked as a fly in / fly out (FIFO) project manager for the past 22 years, both in Australia and internationally. During the same time, Rachel was busy working as a law academic teaching contract law and intellectual property law. She was also the primary carer of our two beautiful daughters, as I spent extended periods of time working away from home.

Between our careers and raising our daughters, to say we were time poor, is an understatement. However, with my early interest in cattle and the lure of the beautiful Atherton Tablelands, I managed to convince Rachel during one of her very-few weaker moments, that we should purchase a cattle property. We entered a new portal of time-poor that we didn’t even realise existed.

With our property located in the wet tropics, we are fortunate to have frequent rain all year round. The downside of frequent rain is that buffalo fly (Haematobia iriritans exigua) is a significant issue for most of the year. We get more than our fair share of bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) during the peak fly season. Rachel and I don’t do anything by halves, which includes ensuring our cattle are provided with the best of care that is possible, with available treatments. While at home on break from my position as a project manager, my time was regularly consumed with yarding and treating cattle for fly-borne blood-feeding parasites. This simply wasn’t sustainable with my career as a FIFO project manager.

There are a range of methods available on the market for the control of fly-borne parasites. However, there are inherent sustainability, efficiency, environmental and safety flaws with these existing products. Like many farmers, I have a drive for continuous improvement and found it difficult to accept the status quo. As mentioned, we simply didn’t have time to tolerate the flaws with the existing methods of fly control, so we needed a set-and-forget product that would last the entire fly season. Unfortunately, no such product was available. My drive for improvement led to the development of the BRB as a set-and-forget product that would last the entire fly season. The BRBs worked very effectively from the very first trial. We then proceeded to patent the BRB transfer method in Australia, and internationally.

We are excited about the future of the BRB product and invite investors and/or commercial partners to come on board with commercialising the BRB product to the global cattle industry. Contact us if you would like to be involved.


The BRB product is a set and forget self-applicator product, that will last several months without recharging or maintenance.
The BRB will deliver a consistent chemical concentration for the life of the product in the field.
For the treatment of fly-borne blood feeding parasites on cattle, the patented BRB Rub Block will revolutionise the industry.
The BRB product has been designed to eliminate the uncontrolled release of any active chemical ingredient going to ground.

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